Metal Blanc Bourg-Fidèle - France

The recycling activity of the company places it, according to French law, among the classified installations for Environmental protection. In this respect, it is ruled by the law N°76/663 of 19 July 1976 regarding the classified installations.

The prefect of the Ardennes department, in charge of monitoring installations, issued an operating license whose  terms are defined in the prefectural classification* order N°4786 of 31 March 2008.

The prefect of the Ardennes department issued 6 complementary prefectural orders about additional operation and monitoring ordonnances:

  • The complementary order of the 2 November 2009 called “odorsodors order”
  • The complementary order of the 12 March 2010 called “RSDE (Research and reduction of the discharge of hazardous substances in the water) order”
  • The complementary order of the 4 August 2010 called “order feu continu”
  • The complementary order of the 8 July 2013
  • The complementary order of the 8 August 2014 (you can find it in our “Documents to download” section)
  • High-level SEVESO* classification by enforcement of the decree n°2010-369 of the 13 April 2010

Moreover, Metal Blanc integrated in its process management the requirements of the French Ministerial Decree of the 2 February 1998 regarding air and water protection.

As required by our legal obligations, the various controls and analyses carried out internally or by outside laboratories authorized by the Department of Environment are regularly communicated to the relevant state services. The public information is accessible in the town hall of Bourg Fidèle (08230) and is subjected to an annual presentation in a CSS (Site Monitoring Commission).


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