Metal Blanc Bourg-Fidèle - France

A few dates
1947 : Creation of the company in the Parisian region
1968 : Installation in Bourg Fidèle on the site of the ex foundry “Le Réveil”
1975 : Start of the activity of lead batteries recycling
Metal Blanc today…

- Purchases : Batteries, sheets and pipes, metallics, plates and other lead scraps
- Staff : 49 people
- Production capacity : 27 000 tons a year
- Sales : Secondary lead production purity 99.97% and 99.985%, registered for good delivery by the LME (London Metal Exchange), antimony lead, calcium lead.
- Applications : battery manufacturers, high voltage and submarine cable manufacturers, radiation protections, roof sheeting, ballast, fishing and hunting lead…
- Export : 85%
A company invested…
At a local level :
Member of the UIMM (Union des Industries et des Métiers de la Métallurgie) :
The UIMM of the Ardennes region gathers 210 companies employing 14000 staff members.
Les Fondeurs Ardennais/ACAPPI : In partnership with the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), the DIRECCTE (French regional direction of companies, competition, consumption, work and employment), the union Les Fondeurs Ardennais (Ardennes foundries) and the UIMM of the Ardennes and Haute Marne areas, the ACAPPI (association of Champagne-Ardenne for the performance and promotion of the industry sector) manages with 19 founders of the Champagne-Ardenne region a “Plan de Progrès” (progress plan) to implement a transformation process with a triple goal: strengthen their competitivity, raise their attractiveness and protect the environment.
Commission de Suivi de Site (CSS) - former CLIC – It takes place once a year and gathers representatives of the State, of the regional government, local residents, associations, employees, as well as the owner. It is an information and consultation organization set up on plants that are listed for the protection of the environment in France. It aims at establishing a dialogue and ensuring public information regarding the operation of the company and its impact on its surroundings.
Conferences : The expertise of our employees leads them to speak in the education system or during professional meetings.
Plant tours : Every year, Metal Blanc welcomes middle schoolers who come to tour the site as part of the operation “Bravo l’Industrie”. Those tours allow them to concretely see in the field the various professions and ” know-how” of our company.
At a national level :
Member of the FEDEM : French federation for the ores, industrial minerals and non-ferrous metals.
A3M (Alliance of Ores, Minerals and Metals) : Coalition between the FEDEM and the FFA (French Steel Federation), which have decided to join forces to ensure a better visibility and representativeness of their professions.
FEDEREC (French federation of the recycling companies) : As a professional organization, FEDEREC gathers the recycling operators within a federal organization whose various actions go from promoting recycling and its crafts to representing, informing and accompanying its members.
At an international level :
Partenaire de l'ILA (International Lead Association) : Partner of the ILA (International Lead Association): association that brings together the main operators of the lead sector in the world. It gives them a scientific and technical support thanks to a strong research program. It also represents the lead industry in the matters regarding regulations and legislation at an international level and facilitates the diffusion of information.